Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 1 of Juicing.

again, not steroids.

So I bought a cheap juicer off amazon, and it works great! Only $25 and juices like a champ! Silly people buying $400 juicers.

Today I slept in a little and I have to go to sleep extra early for work tomorrow so I only made 2 juices today.

Breakfast juice was 3 carrots, 2 apples and 1 brown asian pear.


My first juice!! It needed ice, lots of ice, because at first it was a little warm, and that was terrible. But after chilling it for a little it wasn't bad! Very appley, very carroty. Basically everything you put in it, is exactly how it tastes, which makes sense because there's no hidden ingredients! It's really nice to know EXACTLY what you're putting into your body!

Dinner Juice - GREEN - 1 cucumber, 5 stalks of celery, some broccoli, and a few handfuls of spinach, and again lots of ice. It's reallllly green. And tastes, like this morning, exactly what I put in, the strongest taste however is broccoli. So it's a little bitter. I read though if somethings too bitter to put lemon juice in to equalize it. But I think I'll stick it out this time, and learn from my juicing experience! 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Call me motivated....

carrots, pineapple, pears, mangos, lettuce, celery, cucumber, radishes, spinach, bananas, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, grapefruit, broccoli, bananas, red peppers, apples, apple-pears, lemons.

 One of my friends recommended a documentary to me called "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead". 

Synopsis (from the website).
100 pounds overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease, Joe Cross is at the end of his rope and the end of his hope. In the mirror he saw a 310lb man whose gut was bigger than a beach ball and a path laid out before him that wouldn't end well— with one foot already in the grave, the other wasn't far behind.
With doctors and conventional medicines unable to help long- term, Joe turns to the only option left, the body's ability to heal itself. He trades in the junk food and hits the road with juicer and generator in tow, vowing only to drink fresh fruit and vegetable juice for the next 60 days. Across 3,000 miles Joe has one goal in mind: To get off his pills and achieve a balanced lifestyle.

Joe kicked his disease and lost a BUNCH of weight!
So, I decided to juice, for a week. To restart my body and be healthier! My friend who recommended the movie is also doing it. At first I wasn't sure that I wanted to do it, I'm a super picky eater and I have an aversion to fruits that aren't apples or bananas. But then I looked it the mirror and told myself to stop being such a big baby, and do it! 

So today I bought what you see in the picture. And I'm going to do it! Starting tomorrow (Sunday), I will wake up, plug in my juicer and never look back!

I'm sure it'll make me blog more too, I'll share my recipes. And how everything tastes. Probably disgusting...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sir Bismark Von Longbody

 Bismark (Biz), has to be the sweetest dog I've ever met. And I'm so happy, that even though we only spent 2 short weeks together, that I got a chance to have him in my life.

I recently started fostering for the Dachshund Rescue of North America (DRNA), their goal is to rescue, rehabilitate, and re-home dachshunds in need. I decided to foster because, although I would LOVE to own a dog of my own, I'm unsure of my living conditions for the future, and I'm not in a financial state to have a dog that may need vetting needs. So I decided that fostering, not only would be great for me financially, but it would also help out the dogs as well.

At first I planned on joining a local dog fostering organization. With this I would get a variety of dogs, I got to specify around what size, but I could have received anything from a Chihuahua to a Great Dane. Through more research online though, I decided the smaller the dog the better. I'm not a huge fan of tiny dogs, but there's just something about dachshund's little hot dog-like bodies that makes me happy. So I emailed the local organizer of the DRNA and I was in business. After returning from my conference in Las Vegas, Biz was dropped off.

He was scared at first, he was just taken from him previous home the day before. He is 6 years old, and lived with a family his whole life, until now. His human could no longer take care of him due to her age.  When he came to me he was described as to only using Wee Mats to go to potty. Which meant he would pee and poo on the mat and not outside. I wasn't into this, so I kept a mat in my room but took him on many walks a day. He was describe to never go potty outside and on his 3 days with me he had no accidents inside and went potty outside 100% of the time!

He was the best little cuddler as well. His first home wouldn't allow him on furniture or in the bed. I immediately threw that out the window, this little guy was sleeping with me! Every morning he would some how end up next to my head, even though when I was asleep he was at the foot of the bed. 

 Biz was adopted much quicker than usual. I was originally quoted 6-12 months with him. But who wouldn't want this little guy! Look at that face!

Hopefully with in the next week I will be getting my next little foster buddy! I'm hoping this one's potty trained! :) 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sometimes the littlest things take up the most room in your heart - Piglet

I like little things:
Like Bismark (who went to his new home this past weekend, I'll post a entry about him and my fostering "soon"). This is where he laid while I cooked, he just likes to watch!
Unlike Bear: Who wedges himself between my leg and the cabinet.

 Any who, my roommate had left over apples and I decided to make apple pie, so I went to the store and bought a pie crust, and at home I knew I have everything else.

Pie crust.
For Filling
1/4 cup of flour
1 cup of sugar
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
2 tablespoons of lemon juice
(I didn't add the lemon juice, if you're using sweet apples don't worry about it but if you're using a more bitter apple I'd add it.)

Peeling apples stinks!

 So here's the little part! I realized I didn't have a pie pan. Ut Oh, Welp, I have a muffin pan, and that's all I'll ever need. 
So after mixing up the apples and all the ingredients, I sprayed my muffin tin with PAM and then rolled out my pie crust a little thinner

  I also don't have any round cookie cutters, so I used a martini glass (inspired by someone who used wine bottles as dumbbells).

I laid the circles cut out into the muffin pan, then filled with the apples, then covered with scraps I had from cutting out the circles. After baking at 425 for 15 minutes, and then at 350 for 20 minutes these adorable little pies came out perfect! 
I MAY have eaten one for breakfast the next morning...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Some Craft Stuff!

Okay so I've had pictures saved on my computer for like a MONTH. So it's time to show some of my crafts. I have a hard time finishing crafts, example: I've been crocheting a blanket for 3 years. So I have some half stuff done, and I feel like that's how I'm getting with my blog, but I'm going to fight it!
 Here's a blurry, but silly picture of Bear, he was watching me make my craft!

This project is simple, fun and looks very sweet.

So if you have to know anything about me, I LOVE coloring, but I have a problem, well a few problem with crayons.

1. I EXCLUSIVELY use Crayola. Yup, I'm a crayon supremest, but there's something just so terrible and waxy about any other crayon.
2. I don't share my crayons, every time I share my crayons someone breaks them and it just makes me angry, the only person who hasn't broken one of my crayons is my boyfriend. But if he ever does he will NOT be able to use my crayons.
3. Lastly, I HATE dull crayons, I really should just use colored pencils because I prefer accuracy in my coloring, but I like sharp crayons. 

I sound crazy... but I'm just particular. Coloring really is a great way to de-stress and revert back to childhood. ACTUALLY, during my conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, I attended a lecture on how coloring is good for you because it activates certain areas of the brain, it's actually GREAT way to fight off Alzheimer's.
But the conclusion I'm trying to get to is that I have A LOT of dull and/or broken crayons, I don't know why I don't just throw them away but, I'm glad now that I kept them, there are a TON of crafts for used crayons. 

So for this project you'll need:
 - a box of 64 Crayons (use Crayola).
- a blank canvas (or a black one!)
- glue gun
- a blow dryer
 Step One: Get your crayons and canvas

 Step 2: Arrange your crayons in color order, I did rainbow (Roy G. Biv), but I'm sure you could so anything or just do specific colors if you're going for a certain look.

 Step 3: Glue the crayons on.

Step 4: Hit it with a blow dryer, I propped my up against a wall and put the blow dryer on the hottest heat, starting with the Red, and working down through the rest. 

And then TADA! It's finished! Super easy and it looks so sweet. I hung it up on my wall even before it finished drying!